Randall Preserve RFP Released
Coastal Corridor Alliance (CCA) has partnered with the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) to offer this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the creation of (1) a Resource Management Plan (with a Public Access Plan) and (2) a Coastal Resilience Strategy for the Randall Preserve/Genga (formerly Banning Ranch). Details and links to the RFP are included on the MRCA website. All questions should be directed to Julien Buenaventura at MRCA. The deadline for submission of required materials is Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 5 PM.
Because the land was under private ownership for more than a century, the critical next step is an evaluation of the site through a comprehensive park planning effort. The land acquisition agreement placed MRCA as titleholder with the requirement to develop a Property Management Plan, that encompasses a Resource Management Plan and Tribal Access and Engagement Plan that both collectively inform a Public Access Plan. Beyond those acquisition requirements, CCA received partial funding for a separate, but related Coastal Resilience Strategy. MRCA has until December 2025 to develop these plans.