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Opening: Communications Coordinator

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Coastal Corridor Alliance is looking for a Communications Coordinator who will play a critical role in the dissemination of our brand and in the growth of our programs.

Coastal Discovery Tour

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Únase a Coastal Corridor Alliance en un próximo Coastal Discovery Tour. El evento del sábado 14 de septiembre se alinea con los eventos que se llevan a cabo durante la Semana de la Biodiversidad.

Coastal Discovery Tour

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Join Coastal Corridor Alliance at an upcoming Coastal Discovery Tour. The Saturday, September 14th event aligns with events being held during Biodiversity Week.

Fairview Park Workshop – 9/4

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Attend the Fairview Park Master Plan Community Workshop on Wednesday, September 4th from 6 – 8 pm (695 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627).

Opening: Communications Coordinator

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Coastal Corridor Alliance is looking for a Communications Coordinator who will play a critical role in the dissemination of our brand and in the growth of our programs.

Wildlife Wednesday: Snowy Plover

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Learn some quick facts about the Endangered Snowy Plover in today’s #WildlifeWednesday! For the full bio about this local bird in the Coastal Corridor, follow this link:

WCB Funds Planning Grant

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Coastal Corridor Alliance was just awarded $600,000 from the Wildlife Conservation Board.

Take the Survey

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Help create a more vibrant, sustainable, jobs-friendly, and climate resilient Orange County by taking our survey.

Wildlife Wednesday: Burrowing Owl

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
For this Wildlife Wednesday, read our post above to learn some quick facts about the Burrowing Owl. For the full bio about this local bird in the Coastal Corridor, follow this link.

Sunday Spotlight: Lead in Soil

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Lead affects our neighbors in Santa Ana with contaminated soil. In fact, plants and animals are impacted by high lead levels too. Learn more about pollution burdened communities via the CalEnviroScreen tool:


| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
This applies to every park and preserve. Please stay on the designated trails! How do you know it is a designated trail? It is on the official park map [not the internet, not your AllTrails app, not your friend took you here once before].

August E-Newsletter

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Our August E-Newsletter provides details on the Randall Preserve, Beach & River Mouth Clean Ups, Fairview Park Master Plan, and Proposition 4.

Park Planning Consulting Firm Named

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Coastal Corridor Alliance and the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority are pleased to announce the hiring of the consulting firm Dudek to complete park planning on the Randall Preserve.

Make a Will Month

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
ou can make a difference by including CCA in your will or estate plan. In fact, one amazing supporter, who included us in their estate plan, allowed us to grow & expand our organization this year!

Concerts in the Park

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
We are at Concerts in the Park in Costa Mesa. Swing by and say “hi” .

KABC 7 News Segment

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Watch the news segment from the KABC Channel 7 News team on the Randall Preserve.

KABC 7 News Interview

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Coastal Corridor Alliance, The Trust for Public Land and Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority were interviewed on the Randall Preserve.

CEQA, A Land Use Tool

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Since 1970, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) has been pivotal in environmental protection, ensuring projects meet responsible standards.

CA Gnatcatcher

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
For this Wildlife Wednesday, read our post above to learn some quick facts about the California Gnatcatcher.

Introducing Sergio Tellez

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
CCA is excited to announce Sergio Tellez as the newest member of our team!

Victoria Square Event

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
We are at Victoria Square for the Sustainable Saturday event. It the perfect day to learn about the environment & sustainability.

Master Plan Meeting

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Jennifer Zell of MIG presents on the recommendations for the Fairview Park Master Plan at last night’s Fairview Park Steering Committee.

Lugares Abiertos Para el Evento

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Nuestro Recorrido de Descubrimiento Costero(Coastal Discovery Tours) del Sábado 13 de Julio le quedan 67 lugares! Regístrese ahora y obtenga más información sobre el Hábitat de los Acantilados y Humedales?

Spots Open for Event!

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Our Saturday, July 13th Coastal Discovery Tour has six spots left! Register now and learn about Bluff and Wetland Habitat Restoration!

Fairview Park Meeting

| Melanie Schlotterbeck |
Join this important Fairview Park Steering Committee Special Meeting on the Fairview Park Master Plan Update: Emerging Recommendations.
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