Take the Survey
For the last 14 months Coastal Corridor Alliance (CCA) has been participating in an Orange County Collaborative with a focus on three things:
- Building a strong economy that reduces carbon pollution.
- Making sure people can get good jobs that pay well.
- Including everyone—especially disinvested community members.
The State is poised to allocate tens of millions of dollars to achieve these three goals and we are trying to make Orange County as competitive as possible. With this in mind, CCA has been asked to solicit feedback from the community on some grant criteria.
We know we are all “surveyed” out with the election ahead, which is why we are offering a $15 gift card to the first 50 eligible respondents that complete the survey and provide the details needed by Friday, August 23rd at noon.
The survey will take 8-10 minutes and to be eligible you must be and Orange County resident. All gift cards will be emailed out on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Your input will help make Orange County’s grant applications more competitive, which brings more money to our area!