Astriz’s family is from El Salvador having grown up hearing their stories of the beautiful lush trees that surround them, the volcanoes they would hike up, the lake that provided not only food for family, but also a space where they could relax and enjoy themselves. Hearing stories like this along with her parents making sure that she had many opportunities to enjoy nature through gardening, visiting lakes and the beach, and hiking from a young age made Astriz determined to protect the environment and the spaces that feel like a second home to her.
In her free time, Astriz enjoys reading, hiking, and cooking. Having recently moved back to Los Angeles after 7 years in the Bay Area, she’s excited to explore LA to find and rediscover things she used to do and experiences she can share with her friends and family. If you spot her around LA, you can be confident that she’ll be searching for the perfect matcha latte if she doesn’t already have one in her hand.
Astriz loves hiking and swimming! They’re both activities that she’s loved since she was young and now it’s her goal to visit more national parks this year!